Synopsis: It’s June, 1942 and the German blitzkrieg in Russia is stalling and Hitler’s behavior is becoming increasingly eccentric. The German High Command (OKW) suspects Hitler has become insane and approaches Carl Jung to request an evaluation of “The Fuehrer’s” mental state. Neither the OKW nor Carl Jung know that his close associate, Mary Bancroft, works for American spymaster Allen Dulles. Bancroft and Dulles urge Jung to enter Nazi-occupied Austria and extract Hitler’s darkest secrets.
Critique: An impressively original, exceptionally well written, and inherently fascinating novel, “In the Mouth of the Lion” is an extraordinarily entertaining read from cover to cover. While certain to be a welcome and enduringly popular addition to community library General Fiction collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that “In the Mouth of the Lion” is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $7.99).
Small Press Bookwatch: September 2017
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief